Monday, April 18, 2005

Brain Dead Quizzer

Have you ever been so tired that your mind just wouldn't bring up the right information? Worst yet, it brought up really silly information? Well here is a classic example of what the mind will do when it is tired.

I was quizzing my son from his Bible Quiz manual; he was very tired but thought he'd give it a try. This is how it went:
I asked him what the memory verse was under a certain section of the manual. He doesn't know so I say, "it starts with an M." This is how the answer went:
"Matthew, Malachi, Melchesidec" I tell him to go through the four gospels; he says, "January, Feburary, March"
I could not contain myself and started laughing. This poor kid, I finally let him know that it was Mark.

This is the same person who just 3 weeks ago brought home 3 trophies for having the highest scores and won a 2nd place trophy for the church. It just goes to show once again how important it is to keep rested up, especially if you are going to have a test or any other important thing that requires sensible brain activity.

Just remember: The four Gospels are not January, February, March and April; at least not in the King James Bible.

Wednesday, April 6, 2005

Little League Game

This past Monday we took a drive to go see our little friend, Anthony, play in his first little league game. It was a lot of fun. He made two hits, caught one ball and was able to make it to home plate. I'd say that was pretty good for a first timer.

What I thought was the highlight of the whole game was as one of the boys was running to 3rd base, his shoe came right off his foot. He kept running, then stopped, went back to get his shoe, and then hobbled on to get to the base where he was able to put his shoe on. It is a good thing these little guys weren't playing pro, I don't think he would have made it to his base.