Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Thoughts on Walking “In His Steps”


I picked up a book some time ago entitled “In His Steps” by Charles M. Sheldon. I never finished the book for one reason or another but a few days ago I picked up an Adventure in Odyssey book, entitled “The Stranger’s Message” by Paul McCusker. It is a story they did off of the original book. It is written for kids but great for adults too. I really got into this story and it pricked at my heart in such a way I felt to put my own thoughts down in writing and share them with whoever would chose to read them.

I hope this will cause you to take your own life into consideration and search your heart, soul, and very life. This book has examples of people from different walks of life. It is great for giving you examples of things that can happen…if you decide to “Walk in His steps.”

This book is very thought provoking! I think it is a good read for everyone that proclaims to be a Christian; after all, Christian does mean Christ like…

But how often are we only thinking about our self and not reflecting Jesus Christ? No wonder so many are unimpressed with so-called Christians. They don’t see Christ, they only hear empty words; they only hear words of “I’m a Christian” with nothing to back up those words.

What is wrong with us? What are we thinking?

It wasn’t too long ago that it became very popular to buy and wear things that had WWJD on them…A great question! But did we act on that question or just wear it to help dress up our “Christian” appearance?

So let us ask ourselves, not only what would Jesus do but am I walking in His steps? Am I doing as He would do?

What is it really to “walk in His steps?” The only way to find that answer is to sincerely seek Him in His Word and in Prayer, listening for and to His voice and then acting upon the words given to us no matter what the cost; even the cost to our Pride! Remember, Jesus walked His entire life in Humility. Jesus did say in Mark 10:21 “Sell whatsoever thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, take up the cross, and follow me.”

What if one town, one community or even just one family or individual decided to “do as Jesus would do”? Even if for just one month (we as Christians should live our entire life this way) in your home, workplace, church, school, everywhere, in everything and with everyone we come in contact with. What kind of impact would that have on not only on you, but also the recipients of your Christ-like actions?

I’m sure not everything would have pleasurable results but it shouldn’t matter if it’s what Jesus would do or want us to do. Not everything He did was accepted either; we shouldn’t expect anything different to happen to us.

We should ask this question everyday of our lives and in every situation, even the things we like to do, that may seem insignificant, like watching a movie or reading a book; would Jesus read or watch this? What am I filling the mind that God gave me with? What about the places I go for recreation?

This is not an easy thing for me to write about since I myself am guilty almost daily of not checking with the Lord to see if what I’m doing or going to do would please Him and be helpful or harmful to me or someone else. Remember, your life doesn’t just affect you, whether you like it or not you affect others by what you do and say.

What would change in my life if I truly walked “In His Steps?”

Why don’t we all try this for just a couple of weeks and see what happens…see how our life might change and perhaps change someone else’s. Don’t do anything without first asking, “If Jesus were in my place what would He do?”

How do we treat others? If we see a fault, Jesus would pray for them, love them, forgive them, show mercy and be longsuffering. What do I do? What are my thoughts? Are they like Jesus Christ’s? What if Jesus did to me or thought towards me as I do towards others? This doesn’t just apply to others either, what about yourself? How do you treat yourself when you don’t do right? If you find yourself falling short just remember God is merciful and He said at the end of 2 Corinthians 6:2, “behold, now is the day of salvation.” If you just confess and repent He’ll save you from your failures and help you start all over again.

This is a simple challenge but it will not be easy; in fact you will find out how selfish and un-Christ-like you really are and hopefully this experience will lead you to new places of repentance and forgiveness. I’m quite sure you will find through this experience a deepening of your relationship with the Lord and if you don’t have much of a relationship with Him this is a good way to get one going; for who better to help you through this task than Jesus Christ Himself!

Why wouldn’t you accept this challenge? Are you afraid to practice what you profess to be?...a Christian.

After your trial period, who knows, you might just decide to walk this way the rest of your life; like we should be doing already.

The reason sin is running rapid in our country is because we so called Christians aren’t acting like Christ; it is because of our lack of action that we have become a Godless nation. We have fallen short in our prayer and study of God’s Holy Word. We have stopped seeking Him first in all things. We have stopped standing up for what is good and right and we are suffering for it and will continue to suffer for it until the Lord returns and cleans up this old earth. We are reaping what we have sown; we have sown a life apart from the ways of God and now we as Christians are losing our freedoms in the country that was founded on the very principles in the Word of God. Jesus Christ was beaten, hung on a cross and died for our very sins, and yet we are afraid of the small amount of suffering, for a short period of time, that we might have to endure for Him, the one who saved us from an eternity in hell.

Just a couple final thoughts: If you are having trouble figuring out what is like Christ; turn to Galatians Chapter 5:22, 23. You can compare those things by backing up to verses 19-21, which tell very plainly the works of the flesh. It also wouldn’t hurt to read the remaining verses in that chapter either.

Let us also ask the Lord to show us where we try and use what’s in the Bible to conform to what we want to do instead of us conforming to what God’s Word really says for us to. It is very easy to twist the scriptures according our own will.

Remember: What’s done for Christ will last on into eternity. You cannot out-give God, whatever time you give or substance you give, God will give back to you in greater abundance; yes He can even give you more time in your day to do what needs to be done if you but only put Him first before and above anything else in the day. Try it, you’ll be more blessed if you do. Don’t forget, it is He who got you up this morning, He gave you the strength to go to work, ect… and He also has the power to take that all away for He holds your breath in His hands.

I think now I will go back and finish reading the book I started and didn’t finish.