Sunday, July 8, 2012

Will You Keep It or Throw It Away

You can keep the seed, plant it and have a tree with only God knows how much fruit…or you can throw the seed away and end up with nothing.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Today, Tomorrow and Yesterday

All I can do is make choices today so that tomorrow I don't have the regrets I had yesterday.

All I can do about yesterday is learn and grow, and seek God's forgiveness for it. I cannot change it but I can use it to make better choices today. Tomorrow is not guaranteed to any of us. The things I cannot change are simply opportunities for God to work for me.

Today always begins by acknowledging God's Loving Mercy in giving me yet another day to learn, grow and hopefully change for the better; the choice is up to me.

Today ends by acknowledging God's Faithfulness to me. Each day is encircled by God's Mercy and Faithfulness mingled with a whole lot of Grace! This is the circle of daily life.