Sunday, November 9, 2014

Zero Health Cream

Well a month ago I decided to try and make my own type of all natural health cream that would be good for my skin, have some aromatherapy properties and hopefully help with healing skin issues. My experiment was a great success! I loved it so much that I shared some with a friend and she absolutely loved it. She took it home with her and used it on her husbands skin issue he has due to being allergic to jewelry. It has also done wonders for the severely dry flaky skin on other parts of his body. He now swears by the stuff and can wear his necklace again! She shared about it with a coworker and the coworker got some from me for her sister who has tried multiple prescriptions for her very bad eczema and instantly gained relief and is getting better, she couldn’t move her fingers due to so much pain from the splitting of the skin and she is so happy now because she can move them. This has been great for healing burns, itchiness, cuts, dry skin not to mention the healing it has brought to the few who have used it. I look forward to hearing more about what this stuff can do. This just made me so happy that it has helped people that really needed to find some relief for their skin issues.

If anyone wants to know why I named it Zero Health Cream it is because I make zero health claims and try using it and see what problems go away, become a zero for you. If for example you have dry hands and you use this and your hands are no longer dry, you have zero dry skin. And I call it a health cream because it uses 100% all natural and organic ingredients, so it is actually a healthy food, so to speak for the skin.