Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Flat out of air

I sleep on an air mattress, one like you would get if you went camping. A few weeks ago while I was sleeping I had several dreams in which I was sinking or my mattress was deflating. I finally did wake up only to find that indeed I had lost air in my mattress. It was around 2:00am so I decided to just deal with it and go back to sleep. I woke again around 4:00am to find I had a flat mattress; there was just hardly any air in it at all. So I got up and filled it with air. While I am filling it my son wakes up and says, "Mom, are you alright?" I said, "I lost my air, my mattress is flat." He just laughed and said, "I sleep on no air just fine." You see he sleeps on a regular mattress. I just could not get upset because I knew if it had been him instead of me I would have made some wise crack too.

It finally came 5:00am and I was out of air again so I just got up. I decided that if I couldn’t find and fix the leak I’d just get a new one. We filled it up as tight as we could get it and while I was laying on it I felt a cold stream of air hitting me in the face; I found and captured the leak and I am sleeping much better now. I did get a mattress pad for it hoping that will be an added protection for it. I have no idea how a little pin hole got where it did but it did make for something to laugh about later.

Monday, February 27, 2006

I'm Back

Sorry it’s been so long since I’ve posted anything. It seems like time is just going by so quickly. Since November when we went out to Oregon things just haven’t slowed down and now finally when there seems to be a small break I find myself helping our youth with another play. We did a Christmas play that turned out quite well for only having a week to put it together, this time I have had more time and so I’m quite sure it will be a much better play. It’s funny, I said I would never do another play and the next thing I know here I am doing one; I must be crazy. If they do a good job and cooperate I’ll consider not saying never again.

Another year of Bible Quiz starts next week! We are excited about it and look forward to see what the Lord will do for all of us. It should be much easier this year seeing how my son is going to coach this year. We hope to have a good team and not a "one man band" this year; a team is supposed to be more than one.