Saturday, December 29, 2007


I was not going to make this a blog post, but someone thought I should. It is good to have questions put to us once in a while to cause us to stop and take a look at our life. Our life is but a vapor and what we deem important really is but a small insignificant thing in the light of eternity.

So many times we live our life around a person or thing; we make it the most important thing without really thinking about what it will do for us in eternity. I’m not saying we shouldn’t take care of what has been bestowed upon us, for we are to be responsible stewards, but we are not to make idols out of those things or people in our life. All that God gives to us is to help us grow in Him, to help us along in this life. All that we have here is going to soon pass away. When we get to the other side the things we held dear to our hearts won’t mean anything; the loved ones here won’t have the same place over there.

So I now put to you, dear reader, a few questions on which to ponder. And it is my prayer that you might put the things you hold so dear to your heart in their proper place and put the Lord Jesus Christ above them all. If you are putting someone or something first, ahead of God it is only because you are blind to Who gave them to you in the first place and second, because you lack gratitude for what God has given you.
Why do you choose the creature over the Creator? How long will you continue to choose the creature over the One who gave you all you have? Try thinking about your relationships in the light of eternity. Will it really be worth it to have put the creature first in your life when on the other side it won’t matter?
True happiness comes from putting God first, if you do that He will bless you and bless what you have. Give it a try, I’m quite sure you won’t be disappointed.
Matthew 6:33 says, “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”
Remember this: Only what is done for Christ will last throughout eternity.

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