Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April Fool's

This morning was the first day of a new month and so time to put up on my wall a new page from my desk calendar. It is the calendar in which I keep all my appointments and events on, it is easy to see and read so I don't miss anything. Anyway, I took March off the wall and pulled out the calendar so I could hang up April. Well, there was March. That's weird, so I looked at the one I had on my wall thinking maybe I was looking at the wrong month all of last month.  For a brief moment I thought I was going crazy; come to find out whoever put the calendar together put two months of March in there. How appropriate for April Fool's Day! Hopefully that is all the fooling I'll get today.
This day is dedicated to all the Atheists out there...they don't believe in God. The Bible says in Psalm 14:1, "The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God."
I have read in the news how they are now putting up billboards in Texas that say "Don't believe in God" How sad. It's one thing to feel that way but to put that up in the air is only asking for judgment to come falling down upon their heads. One day they will believe in God and they will wish they would have believed in Him when it would have counted for something, like the saving of their souls.
God is so loving that in His great thoughtfulness for even those unbelieving souls, He put a verse in His Word just for them.

This is another post that needs some updating since my awakening to all the lies perpetrated on us for so long. The reason they call it April Fool's Day is because they have the vast majority fooled into thinking that January is the New Year when in fact the New Year begins in the Spring.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Amy,
If they do not believe in God...then why are they going to so much trouble to prove there is not a True and Living God?
Enjoyed your post.