Saturday, May 9, 2009

'CHANGE' - God's Terms or Yours?

Someone said something to me and I got to thinking about it and so I just thought I would post my thoughts on the matter.

Dependence on God; we should depend on Him for everything in our lives. It is also true that we have to trust God to change us but we have to make right choices and obey the truth we know during that time. Our willful disobedience to the truth we know and the wrong choices we willfully make tie God’s hands in our life. We have to do our part. We can’t just sit back, live life the way we want and expect God to just magically change us. Our choices for Him show Him we are willing to have Him work in us, otherwise we all could stand up on judgment day and say, “well, I never changed because God didn’t change me.” Or “I didn’t get to a certain place because God didn’t get me there.”

Now don’t get me wrong, there are things in us that only God can change, and He does, but to really become what He wants us to become there are conditions we have to meet. I remember years ago someone told me that if I would take one step forward, He would take two. I believe with my whole heart that some of the mountains in me would never have been removed if I hadn’t of made certain choices in my life, certain separations unto the Lord, and being obedient in some of the small things. We go through life and so many times ignore so much of what we do thinking it doesn’t really matter but it does. God is watching and those seemingly insignificant things matter to Him. That still small voice is what He is looking to see if we are hearing and obeying it; or if we even care about it.

Wanting God to change us is a very noble thing, especially now a days; but are we willing to make the changes in our life that He is wanting, do we just want Him to change us or do we want to change for Him? Many times I have wanted Him to change me for me but what about Him, what about my desire and love to be changed for Him? We spend so much of our time pleasing ourselves and then we wonder why our hearts are not being changed. Each day He gives us opportunities to choose for ourselves or for Him. Maybe the reason I’m not experiencing the kind of changes I want is because of what I’m choosing during the day.

So if you are out there doing things you know are displeasing to the Lord or not doing things you know you should and are just waiting for God to change you while you continue on your merry way; I hope this helps you think twice and maybe make an effort to change things in your life, then watch and see what God does for you. I’m quite sure that the changes you are looking for will begin to happen and in a much greater way.


Anonymous said...

Wonderful thoughts to share Amy! Yes I agree our choices will bring forth either a day set aside for the LORD or for self! And we reap what we sow we not ?
I have just started blogging I have saved your blog in my favs for I don't see a "follow you" button on your blog site but here is mine....I always enjoy reading your blog ... God Bless you Amy!

Anonymous said...

joybug56 is Rhonda from Arkansas ....oops I forgot to let you know who I am... LOL .....

Anonymous said...

I was reading on the CGC blog after I read yours and this is what they had to say about becoming dependent ...and winning over all the obstacles before me!

Sermon 2416 page 6. Rev B R Hicks

God makes us small so that we can win against the large. So how am I going to win? By my strength? N o, I have to become totally dependent, and I have to know that Christ’s Creative Blood is going to get the victory. There is no doubt about it!