Friday, December 31, 2004

Medical Bloopers

I found a really good daily calendar for 2005; Medical Bloopers. I get a really chuckle out of reading things like this, makes me feel better about the silly stuff I find myself doing.
A drug dealer had been shot during a "deal gone bad." While in Radiology, I looked at the x-ray request form. The box "Work Related Injury" had been checked.
People never cease to amaze me. I just don't think that is something I would want people to know that I did for a living.

Year end thoughts

Well another year has come to an end. With all that is happening in the Earth it makes me wonder what this next year will bring. With the recent tsunamis that hit Asia I have once again thought what a miracle it is that the ocean stops where it does. It shows how powerful God really is and that at any given time the great ocean can go beyond its boundaries and cause great devastation. It makes me grateful for God's boundaries in the natural realm and how He keeps everything in perfect balance.

Things like this event should turn our hearts and minds towards Him. It is so sad to see how man has rejected the Lord God; it is no wonder then why we have such things come upon the earth. The Bible says that if we won't praise God the rocks would. Let us not wait until such things happen to look to God and pray.

Let us all in the coming year do our part to lift up the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, for He is good, His mercy is everlasting and His truth endureth to all generations.

May God bless you all this coming year.

Thursday, December 30, 2004

Attack of the killer seat belt

The other day while doing some post-Christmas shopping my son and I were out at Sams Club and decided to get a polish hot dog and a drink. We took our food out to our car and ate. Upon finishing my food, I began to start the car when the seat belt closed, but unlike normally it kept on closing to the point where it was restricting the circulation in my chest. Moving became difficult as well as breathing; I panicked and flung the door open hoping that would make it stop, which thankfully it did. I then shut the door and everything was fine...well except for my son who at the same time that I was having trouble he too was in a dilemma with his hot dog. He was in a panic because his ketchup covered hot dog was being pushed towards his chest and he was afraid of dropping his hot dog and getting ketchup all over his clothes.

At the time this was not at all funny but we sure laugh about it now. There is a warning here to all; automatic seatbelts can be very dangerous, especially while eating.

Trivia #1

I am going to start putting some trivia here for you. This is how it will work; I will post the question or questions one day and the next day if you go back and read that same post you will see the answers. I guess I should mention that most of the trivia will be biblical. Here are the answers to the first set of questions that I gave you yesterday:
  1. On what mountain was Moses buried?
    Answer: Pisgah (Deuteronomy 34:34:1-6)

  2. Whose name means, fittingly, "he who weeps"?
    Answer: Job

  3. Who was the only Old Testament prophet to mention Satan?
    Answer: Zechariah (3:1-2)

  4. In Revelation, what did the three unclean spirits look like?
    Answer: Frogs (Revelation 16:13)

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

My first blog

This is a new blog to the web. Please be patient while I work on getting all the bugs worked out of it and get on a roll on getting things posted. This is my first day. I think this will be a lot of fun but it is all new to me, so just keep on checking back to see what kind of progress has been made.

Thank you for stopping by.

Where did the name come from?

You might be wondering why I named my site Fish n Paws. Well it is like this...

Not too many years ago I had a dog, a cat and fish. Where I live now we are not allowed to have pets with the exception of fish and birds. Anyway, I loved my pets and so had my e-mail address fishnpaws. The name has just stuck and so here it is.

I have had several pets during my course in life and do so miss having them now. I do have fish, 3 tanks in fact and a spare bowl for a betta. I hope in the future to be able to live where I can once again have a dog and or cat. No matter what happens though I always will keep my fish tanks because I love fish so much.

Thank you for visiting my site and I hope to have things on here that will be of some sort of interest to you.