Friday, December 31, 2004

Year end thoughts

Well another year has come to an end. With all that is happening in the Earth it makes me wonder what this next year will bring. With the recent tsunamis that hit Asia I have once again thought what a miracle it is that the ocean stops where it does. It shows how powerful God really is and that at any given time the great ocean can go beyond its boundaries and cause great devastation. It makes me grateful for God's boundaries in the natural realm and how He keeps everything in perfect balance.

Things like this event should turn our hearts and minds towards Him. It is so sad to see how man has rejected the Lord God; it is no wonder then why we have such things come upon the earth. The Bible says that if we won't praise God the rocks would. Let us not wait until such things happen to look to God and pray.

Let us all in the coming year do our part to lift up the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, for He is good, His mercy is everlasting and His truth endureth to all generations.

May God bless you all this coming year.

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