Thursday, December 30, 2004

Attack of the killer seat belt

The other day while doing some post-Christmas shopping my son and I were out at Sams Club and decided to get a polish hot dog and a drink. We took our food out to our car and ate. Upon finishing my food, I began to start the car when the seat belt closed, but unlike normally it kept on closing to the point where it was restricting the circulation in my chest. Moving became difficult as well as breathing; I panicked and flung the door open hoping that would make it stop, which thankfully it did. I then shut the door and everything was fine...well except for my son who at the same time that I was having trouble he too was in a dilemma with his hot dog. He was in a panic because his ketchup covered hot dog was being pushed towards his chest and he was afraid of dropping his hot dog and getting ketchup all over his clothes.

At the time this was not at all funny but we sure laugh about it now. There is a warning here to all; automatic seatbelts can be very dangerous, especially while eating.

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