Thursday, August 11, 2005

Bible Quiz National Finals

Well we made it through all the way to Nationals. Our team came in 5th place. Joshua did fantastic! He came in as first place highest individual. Unfortunately due to a technicality he did not get the Bible Institute Diploma because as a team you have to place in the top 4 winners. I think he did great considering he only got 1 hour of sleep before competing due to a lot of problems with our flight.

Our 5:30pm flight out of Tulsa got delayed twice; then our flight out of Atlanta got delayed several times. When we finally arrived at the Louisville Airport they couldn't get the doors to the plane opened so after another long wait they finally decide to let us out the back of the plane. Now of course we are late arriving so we have lost our original reservations for a rental car and have to now wait until they could get us another one. When we finally arrived at the hotel and got everything ready for quizzing, we had about 1 hour to rest before getting up and leaving to start our long day of quizzing. God was so good to us though and things went well considering all the problems we had getting there. Next time we go to Nationals we will be getting a morning flight and we most likely will not fly on Delta Airlines.

Like all the other tournaments, I asked Joshua to get me one trophy; and he came through even in the Nationals. He made his last year of quizzing a great one for me and he went out in the highest place. What a way to end your career! Next year he plans on being the coach.

Thank you to all that supported our team whether by helping out or just keeping us in prayer. God bless you all!

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