Wednesday, March 1, 2006

A thought on buying things

"We buy things we don't need, with the money we don't have, to impress the people we don't know."

How many of us really think about "why" we buy the things we do? I'm not talking about the things we need to live, I'm talking about the things we buy just because we want them. I've been guilty of doing this myself and maybe if I really thought it through on my motive for buying what I did, well, I just might have changed my mind about the purchase and saved myself some money and or some debt. And if we are not trying to impress the people we don't know, maybe we are just trying to impress ourselves which is just about as bad.

I may not have said much here, I was just putting a thought out there. We live in a world where people don't seem to think much anymore so maybe this will provoke us to some thinking.

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