Wednesday, March 1, 2006

The lottery will dry you up

Tulsa, Oklahoma is a wonderful place to live. We have lived here for 5 years now and just love it. I like everything about it; well, just about everything. Tulsa was doing great too until they started having the Lottery. When that thing took affect we went without rain for over 100 days and what rain we have had since has not been enough to count. The city cries for rain but what it really needs to do is repent for starting a lottery. You see this city has long been a big part of the Bible Belt. We of all people had no business implementing gambling into our city. We instituted an awful sin into our city and wonder why we are having a major drought. We are burning up with fires and threats of fires. This is what happens when we sin; kind of a small taste of going into eternity without God.

Does man really think he can bring in sin and not suffer some sort of God's judgment from it? This world is waxing worst and worst and I know it must be this way for the Bible says just before the coming of the Lord things would only get worst. I myself want to be ready for the Lord's return and as I pray that we would repent for this thing, I'm almost certain we won't. May God forgive Tulsa for the sin they have committed against God, His Word, and also the people of this wonderful city. I pray that He would bless us with rain before our beautiful city becomes consumed in flames.

I believe we are paying a big price for this lottery. I hope it was worth it Tulsa. I know it wasn't!

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