Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Do you know what is on your money?

Have you ever looked closely at a coin and really thought about the words, "IN GOD WE TRUST"? We carry coins around with us all the time and if you don’t carry coins our paper money says it too. So with that in mind, how much do we really trust in God?

When times are bad, hard, not going the way we like, do we trust in God? How about when things are at their best and going well, do we trust in God? Do we trust in Him to do what He says? Do we trust His timing? Do we trust Him when we cannot see or understand just knowing that He is who He is and that He has complete power and control and will take care of us IF we just trust in Him?
We carry money around only thinking of what it will get us; maybe we should stop and take a look at ourselves and see if we are living up to what is on that money.

We live in a country where God is being removed from things and we wonder why everything is getting so bad. This nation has become a greedy nation that has left God and no longer trusts in Him. Oh, we allow prayer in schools after someone has gone through and murdered a bunch of students but if we had been praying in schools before the fact maybe that would not have happened in the first place. We seem to only want His protection after we have been violated.

How long will we continue to be so blind to our need for God in this country? It will not be long before we don’t have the money to remind us that we should be putting our trust in God. Shouldn’t we take heed now before it’s too late? Maybe next time you go to spend money at the store, try taking that same amount you are spending on something for yourself and take that amount in time to spend with the LORD.

In closing let me ask you this; "IN GOD WE TRUST", trust God for what? We need to finish that little statement in our own life.
Whether you have one cent or one hundred dollars, a little or a lot, we should TRUST IN GOD. Trust Him with a little or a lot because He is God!

Don’t be angry with God for the condition of this country; man is the one who decided to make the decisions and run the country. Man made the choice to trust his own thoughts and plans above God’s. So it is in our own life; don’t be angry with God for your condition, look to see where you trusted yourself instead of TRUSTING IN GOD.

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