Friday, April 27, 2007

A Thought about Understanding

I was taught many years ago that understanding is half the battle. This is so true, and so I want to share some thoughts I have on this subject of Understanding. To understand someone is to know them. You cannot truly know someone if you don’t understand them.

We wonder why people in our lives are so hard on us and seem to have little or no mercy; even people in our own family. This quite possibly is the reason why, lack of understanding. I am finding it easier to deal with this in my own life because just knowing that a person does not really understand me, know me, helps me understand why they say and do the things they do towards me. So many times we think that they are being mean to us when in reality they aren’t even aware that they are hurting us or making things difficult for us; so by understanding that about them our reaction will not be of anger but we will be able to have mercy on their ignorance and pray for them.

Remember: It is the Lord that opens the eyes of our understanding, so let us pray and ask the Lord to help us understand the ones He puts in our lives so that we may love them as He loves us and has mercy on us.

I hope this helps someone out there somewhere. It has and is helping me. If we will seek to understand people then it will help us to love them; and isn’t that what we all really want, is just to be loved?

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