Saturday, July 4, 2009

Independence Day… is it?

Today we celebrate our freedoms, but how many of those do we really have left? I guess that depends deeply on whose side you are on.

We are no longer free to pray in schools, praying in Jesus name is becoming more and more forbidden, even mentioning that name is not allowed, we are no longer free to post the Ten Commandments. It seems people of this country are free to do and say just about anything unless it comes from a conservative Christian. Freedom of Christian religion is slowly being stripped away from us here in the very country where freedom was established and founded on religion; Bible based religion.

The Bible is not allowed in schools and yet the Koran is welcomed. Let us not offend the Muslims and homosexuals but if offends you Christians it is because you are not tolerant, you are haters and are a threat to the ‘common good’ of all men; That my friend is a very sad state to be in. When prayer was in schools, when the Bible was in schools, when the Ten Commandments were posted in schools we did not have the crime and corruption we have today. We did not have the divorce rate we have today and children had a mother and a father and grew up to be good citizens of this country.

Malachi 3:6 says, “For I am the LORD, I change not:” so since God does not change how is it that man thinks it is okay to change God and God’s laws and commands?

Independence Day has certainly changed from what it was in the beginning; today it is more like a celebration of our independence from Almighty God. That to me is a very fearful thing, and this nation is about to find out how fearful and dreadful it can be.

It is very sad that we have become a nation that is very ‘tolerant’ of sin and intolerant of what is Godly, righteous, and holy.

I am going to post now a portion from President Obama’s recent celebration of Gay Pride month he and his wife held in the White House. If you want to know why I do this it is because I want you to WAKE UP and see where this nation is going. Look who is changing laws, look at who and what is bringing this nation down and who is ushering in the wrath and judgment of God. If you were a wise person you would get down on your face before God and repent not only of your sins but the sins of this nation. Then I would watch and pray because the coming of the LORD is very near.

Here is the article:

Obama Laments 'Worn Arguments and Old Attitudes' Holding Back Gay Liberation

By Tim Graham
July 1, 2009 - 08:37 ET

The Washington Post put the first White House celebration of Gay Pride Month on the front page Tuesday, but reporter Michael Shear left out some of the president’s most liberal and most supportive lines from the transcript. Obama pledged to be "an ally and a champion" of the gay left’s agenda and hailed gay activists "who have refused to accept anything less than full and equal citizenship."

He implied there was still work to do with all those fuddy-duddies who still followed the "worn arguments and old attitudes" from old sources like the Bible:

There are unjust laws to overturn and unfair practices to stop. And though we've made progress, there are still fellow citizens -- perhaps neighbors or even family members and loved ones -- who still hold fast to worn arguments and old attitudes, who fail to see your families like their families and who would deny you the rights that most Americans take for granted. And I know this is painful. And I know it can be heartbreaking.

And yet all of you continue, leading by the force of the arguments you make, but also by the power of the example that you set in your own lives, as parents and friends, as PTA members and leaders in the community, and that's important. And I'm glad that so many LGBT families could join us today for... (APPLAUSE) ... for we know that progress depends not only on changing laws, but also changing hearts and that real, transformative change never begins in Washington.

Shear's account in the Post didn't note this was the first-ever White House Gay Pride Month event, but suggested it was an event "marking the 40th anniversary of the riots surrounding New York's Stonewall Inn." (But Shear did acknowledge that on the Post's Obama blog, 44.)

It might seem amazing -- and yet amazingly ordinary -- that Shear and the Post never found terms like "liberal" or "left-wing" worth using in the entire piece, even for radical activists and bloggers who didn't get invited to the White House because they've been too fierce.

Shear even let Obama spokesman Robert Gibbs claim that the even was "not designed as a way to mollify the gay community or reward its support during the campaign." Gibbs said: "We didn't play a lot of interest-group-based politics in the presidential race." You might even believe Obama didn't show up at interest-group events like the

When a Republican president or primary candidates court the religious right, the media constantly suggest that they're courting the extreme at the expense of the mainstream. But reporters like Shear obviously avoid the notion that there's political danger for Obama in "mollifying" his ideological base on the libertine left.

—Tim Graham is Director of Media Analysis at the Media Research Center.

You can find the entire Obama speech on YouTube.

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