Saturday, March 20, 2010

The Deception of what is Seen

Today I woke up to the first day of spring, or was it? What I felt was cold and when I looked outside snow was all there was to be seen. A cold wind blew and snowflakes were falling from the sky. How could this possibly be spring? Everything around me was saying something different. Was it a dream? Had I just simply been confused about the time of year? I needed to know the truth and it was at this precise moment that I knew I had to go to the source of truth, what I knew to be true in spite of everything going on all around me. I went to my calendar. I am always very careful to mark off each day so I always know what day it is and sure enough it was not the first day of winter like it appeared but was truly the first day of spring. No matter what I saw or felt the truth was clear. This was simply a last blast from old man winter. (I hope) It really was the first day of spring.

You see many times we look around at what we see and feel and we believe it to be true, but it is not. What we see and feel can many times be very deceptive and if we do not stay connected to the truth we become very deceived and go the wrong way and often get into situations beyond our control becoming trapped in something we thought was real but was false, a lie.

Looks can often be very deceiving; sometimes we need to look past what we ‘see’ into what we know to be true.

I was given a very good example of this truth this morning and so am passing it on to others.

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