Sunday, October 24, 2010


We are all just living inside a house. When you see someone you are only seeing the house. But there is someone living inside that house and no matter how the outside may appear, there could be a real gem living inside. Take John Chapter 8:3-11 for instance. Here was a woman, an adulterous, and yet after given such love, forgiveness, compassion, and mercy, what a gem came forth. The house was made clean and she became something beautiful. All out of one persons act of love to her, not her actions but her, the person.

I wish we lived in a world where we were more blind to the outside of the house and more loving and compassionate to the inside of the house. I'm so glad God looked past the outside of my house and came in with His love otherwise my house would be in complete ruins today.

How many houses are we responsible for completely ruining  or even damaging just because of our treatment of them? So many walking around hurting, lost, without hope. Our actions towards them can make a difference in their life for the good and improvement of them or even for the total destruction of them. Even a look or gesture can have profound impacts on a persons life. I can't begin to tell of all the times a stranger just smiled at me or spoke a kind word and it just lifted me up and then there were times that a person just ignored me or spoke something unkind and it just tore me. Well I can have the same impact on others as well, and we don't have to know them either.

So if you see someone with chipped paint, or a rotting roof, or a broken window, see what you can do to help repair the house rather than add further damage to it. And if you see a house that is all pretty and looking good, see what you can do to keep it nice.

And remember, even if the person has brought it on them themselves who are we to judge? Just read John 8: 3-11, she brought it on herself but unconditional love made the difference.

Unconditional love...something very rare and almost impossible to find today. How sad and how many would be made well if more of that kind of love was going around.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey this is good stuff amy ...I really enjoyed this ....Merry Christmas