Saturday, December 14, 2013
The Truth
People say they want truth; they want truth, they don’ t want lies. But when the truth comes and shines into their darkness they push it away, hide from it, reject it; they don’t want to see it as truth, this is denial. They see it as an attack against them, when in reality it is the truth coming against the flesh, the darkness and the sin within us. What part of me gets mad when the truth comes?… the part of me that was blind to the truth in the first place.
Be Always Aware That There is Always Something to Learn
These are some thoughts that came to me concerning an individual and a situation I was in concerning them. I find that often times when I am put in a difficult place with someone or concerning someone that I often learn something. It usually comes with great pain so I am always thankful for being able to learn something from it. This actually came to me September 7th, it’s just taken awhile to get it posted.
When I think I know more than I do, that is when I have become blinded and then I get into trouble. And when it catches up to me and I don’t humble myself I will get angry and defensive and even come against the one who was used to bring my ignorance to my attention. If I keep a right attitude when confronted, it is an opportunity for me to learn, not only about what I did wrong but also myself. The only real reason I got mad anyway was because my pride was hurt, and this whole thing led to showing me that so I could get rid of it and ultimately become better at what I do and also become a better person. It also led to showing me things I didn’t know that I needed to know.
I need to live in a state of continual learning, always being aware that no matter how much I may know, I know nothing compared to what there is to know about any particular thing; that there is always so much more to learn. If I get that into my head then when I do mess up I’ll be grateful for the correction when it comes and I’ll see that there was something I desperately needed to learn and know; and I will see the person who came to me in the first place as simply an instrument to open my eyes, and I will be thankful.