Saturday, December 14, 2013

The Truth

Truth hurts and people don’t like it. With Truth comes Opposition – the opposition may come from without or it may come from within…but it will come. What will I do with it? I never know what I’ll do with it until it comes, that is why preparation is so important. How do I prepare for opposition? I keep tabs on my attitudes, I stay in a mindset of continual prayer, I stay aware of me, the things inside me, and the things that come to me ( I need to keep things in perspective.) I stay faithful to repent. I continually work on being grateful. I stay faithful to study God’s Word for that is Truth and light that can conquer the darkness within me and open my eyes. I realize that it is by the Grace of God that I am able to do anything at all; that the very breath I breathe comes from Him.

People say they want truth; they want truth, they don’ t want lies. But when the truth comes and shines into their darkness they push it away, hide from it, reject it; they don’t want to see it as truth, this is denial. They see it as an attack against them, when in reality it is the truth coming against the flesh, the darkness and the sin within us. What part of me gets mad when the truth comes?… the part of me that was blind to the truth in the first place.

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