Sunday, February 6, 2005

A childs perspective on a "bill"

I went to a birthday party yesterday that was given for the father and son whose birthdays fall only one day apart. The little boy just turned 7. What I thought was so cute was after the boy opened all his gifts he went over to his mother who began to open the cards and read them. Inside the first one was a five dollar bill. The little boy held it up and proclaimed, "Now here's a bill for Toys R Us."

We receive bills in the mail all the time that we have to pay, but I never stopped to think that every time I spend cash I am actually paying a bill. So I guess it's all in your perspective how you look at where your money goes; a bill someone sends you to pay or one you willingly go and give. So if you don't want to pay a bill or with a bill, use coins instead.

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