Tuesday, February 22, 2005


I got this great new computer program called OneNote, it is from Microsoft. I just love it. One of its features is that down by my clock I just click on the icon and it brings up a small note screen; I can just jot down a quick note or whatever and it is there for me to remember. I can even make it so it stays on top of everything so it is always seen; that sure beats having papers lying around that fall on the floor or just get forgotten.

The program itself is like a big notebook. You can also make it to where it is more than one notebook but I only use it as one. I tried to make it more but got really confused and really didn’t need to do that for what I am using it for.

In the notebook, or program, you have sections, for each section you have pages. I used to have a ton of papers by my chair with lots of notes of all kinds. Yesterday I just put all of those in my OneNote program. It is just great, not to mention my whole area is nice and clean. Now I might just get everything done since it is all in one place and right in front of my face. It's even a lot more legible than my handwriting and best of all it has spell check. It has lots of stationery to choose from and it comes with different color options for the sections.

There is too much that this program does to be explained here but if you get the chance it is worth checking out. If you are currently in the habit of using the note pad on your computer, this is a must have for you. It is also the perfect program for students.

If you are curious about checking this out for yourself you can go to the following and view a demo of the program and or try it out for 60 days. You have nothing to lose except for a lot of notes scattered everywhere. So go ahead, give it a try. If I can use it anyone can.

60-day Trial

I just have to say that I still would be lost without my Post It Notes, after all I can stick them all over my house; that is one thing you can't do with a computer. I'm just glad I now have a place for all my loose notes, lists and to do's. OneNote has made my life a little bit simpler and definitely more organized. Thank you Microsoft.

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