Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Trivia #4

It's time once again to test your knowledge of the Bible. I hope you are enjoying these as much as I am. Good luck and may God bless you as you read His word.
  1. Which book of the Bible mentions Spain?
    Answer: Romans (15:24, 28-29). Paul wanted to go there to spread the gospel.
  2. In Matthew's Gospel, who moved the stone from Jesus' tomb?
    Answer: An angel (Matthew 28:2)
  3. What bird does Proverbs compare fleeting riches to?
    Answer: An eagle (Proverbs 23:5)
  4. Whose burial at Hebron caused the grief of David?
    Answer: Abner's (2 Samuel 3:31)
  5. Which apostle is mentioned most in the Bible?
    Answer: Paul, mentioned 185 times
  6. Who said, "I have lived in all good conscience before God until this day."
    Answer: Paul (Acts 23:1)
  7. What is the most-mentioned bird in the Bible?
    Answer: The eagle, mentioned 33 times. The dove is mentioned 30 times.
  8. Which version was commissioned by King Henry Vlll?
    Answer: The Great Bible (1539), so called because of its size

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