Monday, January 3, 2005

Trash Cans do not take orders

Today was laundry day, how fun is that? Anyway, we had Burger King coupons so we stopped there first to have a breakfast sandwich. I pull into the drive-thru and stopped behind a car. My son says "They now have double croissants." So I start looking at the board to see what they might look like, mind you I am very tired from being in a church revival all week and it is early in the morning, so I am really just sitting there kind of spaced out studying this sign thinking about how they would make this new croissant; that is when my son pipes up and says, "Do you realize you are giving your order to a trash can?" Boy did I feel stupid. I turned my head and sure enough there was the trash can where I thought the speaker was, no wonder no one was taking my order.

I can't say I'm anymore alert than I was this morning but at least tonight I can get to bed and get a good nights sleep as to be able to function better tomorrow.

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